A healthy financial life essentially depends on how well you manage it. If you succeed in taking care of your money then be sure that money will take care of your life. It’s just as simple as that. So if you want to enjoy the sweet fruits of life then you have to start managing your money.
Now there is a wonderful and popular web based financial management tool that can help you in tracking and managing your finances in an easy and effective way than ever before. Yes, Mint.com is here for your support and will help you to organize your financial life.
Well to introduce you to Mint.com, it is a personal financial management web based tool which lets you to connect your multiple accounts and monitor transactions between those accounts, all through a single user interface. It lets you include savings account, investment accounts, pension or retirement accounts, loan accounts, student accounts, mortgage accounts, credit cards, and any other financial account as well.
So you can have all your accounts gathered at one place on your computer or even on your smartphone. Mint makes your financial management swift and easy. You can see your each and every transaction at a single place and you don’t need to go from one account to other to keep track of the status of your personal financial position. In a way you get see the “Big Picture” and plan accordingly your expenditures and other commitments.
And to top it all, Mint comes for free. Yes the personal financial management application is available absolutely free. At present it is available for the users in U.S.A. and Canada but counting on its rapid and tremendous growth it is bound to be available in other countries soon.
Mint is a totally secure application and is able to connect safely and download transactions from nearly every financial institution and bank in the United States. Its popularity can be gauged from the fact that presently it has a user base which runs into millions and it has only entered its sixth year of existence since the year 2006.
Well now, let’s have a look at some of the main features offered by Mint. To start, Mint has Auto-Categorization feature for your transactions. So as transactions show up in Mint, it will segregate them into different categories. So you exactly know in what segments you are spending and from where your money is coming. With this feature you can better manage and control your spending, identify the areas where you over spend and likewise.
Secondly with Mint you can even easily set up your personal budget. You can set up the recurring expenses and can compare the monthly or yearly budget as well. Mint will send text alerts or email if you do over spending in any category. So you are reminded of your expenditure limits and can then quickly control your spending in that particular category.
Mint also allows you to set up alerts when you have low account balances, reminders for bill payments, large purchases and so on. Using Mint you can set up more than 20 alerts for various purposes. Moreover you can set up a Goal in Mint. This would then be tracked by Mint to check the progress of your goal. This entire tracking is done in real time and you get the monthly emails showing the progress of your goals.
As far as safety and security of your information is concerned, Mint is absolutely secure application to use. It uses 128-bit SSL encryption and each and every data is protected and validated by VeriSign and TRUSTe. And as Mint is read-only your money cannot be moved in or out of any account.
So you can surely and safely start tracking and managing your money with Mint.com. You can set it up in minutes and it is very user friendly too. With Mint you are able to put your whole financial profile on a single application. You can streamline your expenses and follow your financial goals in a more organized and controlled manner. Thus use of Mint can definitely enhance your financial management system and above all it comes for free so you can always give it a try any time you like.